The Mural Project
at The Burger Loft
The Nyack Art Collective created and installed a mural in The Burger Loft, 395 S. Main Street, New City. Members were asked to create art on a 12"x12" canvas inspired by The Burger Loft/District 96. The official opening of the mural was on First Friday, May 3, 2024. The names of the contributing artists are listed below.

A4 Jack Milazzo
A5 Carole Braunstein
A9 Christina Alamo
A10 Barbara Chen
A11 Joyce Byrnes
A12 Nicole Spata
A14 Trine Giaever
A15 Kris Campbell
B3 Ann Kinney
B4 Debbie Herman
B5 David Dixon
B6 Jase Michael
B9 Carole Braunstein
B11 Debbie Herman
B12 Nicole Spata
B14 Jack Milazzo
C1 Logan Potenza
C2 J.Tedesco
C3 J. Tedesco
C4 J. Tedesco
C6 Leo Chamalian
C10 Nicholas Cornell
C11 Nicholas Cornell
C12 Nicole Spata
C13 Jack Milazzo
C14 Jessie Taylor
C15 Jessie Taylor
D2 David Dixon
D4 Carole Braunstein
D5 Myles Aronowitz
D6 Myles Aronowitz
D7 NAC logo
D8 Jack Milazzo
D9 Debbie Herman
D10 Carole Braunstein
D11 Suzanne Auer
D12 Trine Giaever
D13 David Dixon
D14 Jessie Taylor
D15 Jessie Taylor
E1 Wendy Miller
E2 Wendy Miller
E4 Debbie Herman
E5 Myles Aronowitz
E6 Myles Aronowitz
E8 Jase Michael
E10 Eileen Geiger
E11 Trine Giaever
E12 Trine Giaever
E13 Kris Campbell
E14 Jase Michael
F1 Wendy Miller
F2 Wendy Miller
F5 Nicholas Cornell
F6 David Dixon
F8 Nicholas Cornell
F10 Eileen Geiger
F11 Jase Michael
F12 Brian MacRae
F14 David Greene
F15 Susan Strange