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2022 Nyack Halloween Parade:

Tim Burton's Nyack Art Collective

We were inspired by Tim Burton and each member dressed as a character from one of his movies. Characters from The Corpse Bride, Alice through the Looking Glass, Sweeney Todd, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Beetlejuice were all represented. 

As a group, we painted and constructed a backdrop based on the Nightmare Before Christmas logo. 

We received Honorable Mention in the Group Costume Contest!

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2019 Nyack Halloween Parade:
Día de Muertos 

The float we designed for the Nyack Halloween Parade in 2019 was based on the Mexican celebration of The Day of The Dead.

The Float was designed by Art Collective members John R Gilbert and Kristen Memmelo. The entire collective worked together to create the thousands of paper flowers that make up the skull on the float as well as the canopy.  

Sandra Bandes, a Renaissance Faire make-up artist and Art Collective member did the majority of the face-painting.  Costumes were designed by the wearers.  The “Dancing Skeleton” Puppet was constructed and operated by John R Gilbert.

We won Best Float in the competition!!

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2018 Nyack Halloween Parade:
George Seurat-A Sunday on La Grande Jatte


Nyack Art Collective members painted a reproduction of George Seurat's "A Sunday on La Grande Latte" without including the figures in the painting. Members dressed in costume to represent the people in the painting.


The painting and characters marched in the parade, bringing George Seurat's painting to life, to the delight of all the spectators!

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2017 Nyack Halloween Parade:
Dead Artists Make More Money

The float and costumes in the 2017 Halloween Parade were based on the idea that dead artists make more money than living ones! Nyack Art Collective members dressed as famous artists that are no longer with us.

Elaine Schloss sat on the float and painted a live portrait during the parade!

We won Best Float in the competition!!

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