Herb Fillmore
Herb Fillmore III has been oil painting for a decade while winding up his professional career as a data scientist to enter his “third life” as a painter. He is an autodidact, i.e., his formal art education is limited. Currently in his “salad days” with styles and topics, bold colors are a constant. Recently, expressionist/fauve-like landscapes and interiors have mostly replaced abstracts. The masters, styles, and techniques of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s are his favorite sources for education and inspiration.
He is curious and experimental-- each day learning more about the fundamentals with a concentration on attitude, seeing, approach, materials, and techniques to impart energy and narrative to his work. He hopes his viewers find beauty and meanings that are new and inspiring in his paintings with the changing light and their changing lives. He is a member of the Nyack Art Collective, the Edward Hopper House, and the Arts Council of Rockland. He is also a curated guest artist at the Piermont Flywheel in February 2023 and is a recipient of a Westchester Co. “Arts Alive” Grant on Cezanne. His artworks are in the homes of collectors across the U.S., and he is hoping to accelerate his move from a “salary man” to artist in 2023.